Mr. Jonas Petter Barvé. Jonas expertise lies in “Leadership for Sustainability” – leading in an uncertain and emerging future – from an individual, business and organizational perspective. He has over 25 years of experience of leadership positions in management, project management and advisory roles. Jonas has led large scale private developments and publicly traded startups on the Frankfurt and Berlin stock exchanges. He has a Masters in Leadership for Sustainability from Malmo University and a B.A in Political Science.
“In 2006 I made a vow that everything I do has to benefit society in some way and lead towards supporting a sustainable future and started Emension Group (sustainable innovations) together with that included Alan McArtor, Chairman at Airbus. It is in lieu of this journey that I am thrilled to be a part of Lightsphere AI under the inventions and leadership of Dr. Gunjan Gupta.”
Past engagements include Airbus America, Yellowstone Club, Oatly AB, Frankfurt DAX, Business Sweden, Swedish Development Agency SIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD). Advisory leadership at ISESR – International Society for Energy and Sustainability Research, board member at SEE Learning, Sweden.